13 February, 2008

Superbug Linked to Homosexual Behaviour

Eerily reminiscent of reports a quarter century ago of the rapidly spreading AIDS epidemic, a new variety of staphylococcus bacteria, highly resistant to antibiotics, is now spreading among homosexual males, according to a new report in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

"Wake up, medical and political establishment: Homosexual behaviour is unhealthy – no matter how many secular sermons you preach against 'homophobia,'" wrote Peter LaBarbera.

"Due to liberal political correctness, which insists on treating aberrant – even deadly – behaviours and lifestyles as a 'civil right,' we as a society don't seem to have learned much from the AIDS pandemic," he said.

He called it an "eerie reminder" of the first stories about AIDS. "It is unfathomable that after that plague, disease specialists and the media are now surprised at the correlation of a new infection with homosexual behaviour," he said.

The study noted that cases were found in the highest concentrations in patients who visit health clinics that treat HIV infections in homosexuals.

The bacteria is called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and has been seen previously in hospitalized patients. However over the last few years, researchers said its impact has expanded, and the new strain has now been documented as an exceptionally drug-resistant variant.

The bacteria is resistant to six common antibiotics, and the study revealed that the risk homosexuals will contract it is 13 times greater than the rest of the population.

The infection causes boils and other infections but the report said what is unusual is that up to 40 percent of the infections occur in the buttocks and genitalia.

"Data … suggest that multi-drug-resistant variant has spread rapidly among men who have sex with men, and that having male-male sex seems to be a risk factor…," the report said.

The report also warned that because of the "patterns of increased sexual risk behaviours" among homosexuals there also has been an accompanying resurgence in early syphilis, rectal gonorrhoea and new HIV infections among homosexual populations.

Some cases even have developed into "necrotizing fascitis," the so-called "flesh-eating" disease because of its quick progression that often requires surgery, or amputation, to halt its progress, the report said.

"It is not clear whether the behaviour potentiating these infections among men who have sex with men is anal sex …, skin-abrading sexual practices [ETC.]; prevention messages may therefore need to suggest caution in each of these practices," the report said.

LaBarbera said the following questions need to be answered urgently:

  • Why aren't all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behaviour?
  • Why won't the news media make the common-sense connection between these frequent stories about (male) homosexual behaviour and disease – to the idea that perhaps it’s probably not smart for society and pop culture to celebrate homosexuality and bisexuality?
  • Why isn't there a concerted government effort – akin to the current anti-smoking campaigns – to reign in homosexual promiscuity – beginning with closing down all sex businesses [especially those] that facilitate homosexual perversion?

One commentator remarked, "We as a species just don't seem to get it: There are consequences to behaviour! We no longer take AIDS seriously anymore because of drug treatment, so we go back to doing the same behaviour, which brings on a new epidemic that now threatens to jump the boundary to become a hetero scourge as well."

The report noted the bacteria resists "several important antimicrobial classes for treatment … including clindamycin, tetracycline, and mupirocin." It actually fails to respond significantly to erythromycin, Cipro-like antibiotics and drugs in the penicillin family, too.

Of the antibiotics still available in the battle, the study warns, "prudent use … for suspected MRSA disease in men who have sex with men is advisable to slow the emergence of even more resistant community-associated MRSA."

Various forms of MRSA are costing a great number of lives annually, and the number of cases being reported has risen.

Matt Barber said society has adopted a lassez faire attitude toward such sexual behaviours. "Television shows like Will and Grace glorify the homosexual lifestyle while our children are taught in schools that homosexuality is a perfectly healthy, alternative sexual 'orientation.' 'Stay out of our bedrooms!' we're often commanded by militant 'gay' activists," he said. "Well, now the dangerous and possibly deadly consequence of what occurs in those bedrooms is spilling over into the general population. It's not only frightening, it's infuriating."

"Citizens, especially parents, need to stand up and say, 'No More! We will no longer sit idly by while politically 'correct' cultural elites endanger our children and larger communities through propagandist promotion of this demonstrably deadly lifestyle,'" he said.

"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." ~ Romans Ch. 1:27.

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